Wizardry Stuff


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From the Wizardry screen scans I have seen on the web, many could use some help with character names. You can go to the library and look in baby naming books and/or check out the names here.
Names for characters

I started making this list when I found myself underestimating monsters like the dreadfull Maelific that appears as a skull most often under a pseudonym. I made a half hearted attempt to include the easier monsters too.
Those horrible Wizardry 1 monsters

One must be careful with some of the items one finds in Wizardry 1 and 2. This list includes great items, dangerous items and items that are both great and dangerous
Nifty Items

The pools in Wizardry 5 will paralyze , stone, etc. or heal, cure, etc. Here is a spoiler for the pools in Wizardry 5.
Wizardry 5 Pools

Here is cheating information that I found helpful while playing Wizardry 5. The information is for the 3 1/2 inch boot disk version of Wizardry 5. It requires a sector editor.
Wizardry 5 Cheat


A method for solving the spindle in Wizardry 7
That pesty spindle

DSCHEAT has a change position option I like to think of as a Teleport option. It is a good replacement for the Malor spell of earlier games.
Some more places for DSCHEAT's Change Position Option

DSCHEAT is a powerful character editor but it has very scant documentation, some features do not appear to work and the absurd number of experience points displayed make me afraid to change it. But it does things other character editors won't.
To download DSCHEAT: click on this link, click on "file", click on "Crusaders of the Dark Savant Editor (57k)"


WIZ7EDIT is another good character editor. I find that DSCHEAT and WIZ7EDIT is each good in its own area. I would not even try to change experience points in DSCHEAT and WIZ7EDIT won't let you edit spells.
download wiz7edit.zip

If you have the 3-1/2 inch disk version of Wizardry, this file could solve your characters gold problems. This file contains disk images with very rich characters. Just move them onto your scenario disk. This file has disk images for wizardry 1, 3, and 5.

This file also contains the the program that will restore the images to disk. The program will not run on a XT.
download wizmoney.zip

If you need a utility to unzip these files go to www.shareware.com and search for winzip or pkzip.

Wizardry @ King Tut's Place
Black Box - The Return of Werdna
Wizardry | Prepare Yourself for the Ultimate in Fantasy Games | Wizardry
Dustin's Wizardry Downloads
Ultimate Wizardry Archives - Technical Support
The Wizardry Webring
A List of the Sites on the Wizardry WebRing
Mo'Slo CPU Slowdown Utilities - If your computer runs too fast for Wizardry
Some Wizardry sites not on the Ring
A Wizardry Page
Wizardry stuff___This is the other Wizardry Stuff site.

The Official Darwin Awards My Favorite Website

This site is maintained (or not) by Greg Menard - mailto:turbots@sbcglobal.net

The Wizardry Web Ring

Wizardry Webring

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Greg menard

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